Firefighting Leads to Fire Protection for Ben Garritson

Firefighting led Ben Garritson to fire protection, and fire protection led him to H&S Protection.  One doesn’t always necessarily follow the other, but in Ben’s case working as a firefighter/EMT on the Menomonee Falls, WI Fire Department led him to Waukesha County Technical College (WCTC) to pursue a career in fire protection. I just so happens at the time that H&S needed someone part-time to do fire alarm testing. Ben was ready and interested.

“My dad (Steve – Co-Owner of H&S) asked if I was interested in the position in 2012, and I took it, not really planning on it becoming a career path. I did that for about a year and was finished with school,” Ben explained.

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He then started looking for a career as a firefighter, and Steve knew that, and offered him a position as an install technician. “It sounded like a job I would enjoy, so I took him up on the offer and started working full-time,” Ben said.

In Ben’s current position as a service technician, he troubleshoots and repairs customers’  alarm system equipment and explains what the repair was to the customer and answers any questions they have.


“The thing I enjoy most about my job is all the variety we have every day. On a normal day I may go to 4 to 6 different locations and get to meet and work with different customers on every different type of system that we sell,” he said.


Along with his mom, Barb and Dad, Steve, Ben has an older sister, Stephanie. “I got married to my wife Danielle in September of 2016 and last year on November 30, my daughter was born (Natalie),” Ben said.

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Ben is a big outdoors man, who loves to fish, hunt and hike – “basically anything that gets me outside.”


“If I was recommending H&S, I would say that with us you’re going to get fast and friendly service. If you need to call us, you’re not going to get to some call center where you never really know who you’re talking to and may need to talk to several people to get an answer. If you talk to us, you’ll get hold of someone right away and get whatever question or issue resolved in a timely and friendly manner,”


If you need to reach Ben directly, his cell number is 262.364.8630 and his email is