If you look for a home or business security services company in Wisconsin, what makes a company standout? One quality we believe here at H&S Protection that separates us from other Wisconsin-based security firms is the fact that each Monday morning we sit down as a full team at both our Stevens Point and Pewaukee offices, and go over upcoming projects. That’s our Ops (operations) meeting.
This may sound boring. It’s not. It gives our people an edge and helps us provide you with the exact products and services you want in an installation. We dig into problems and troubleshoot. You’ll find lively discussions occurring at 7:42 a.m., discussions that refine our projects to meet customer specifications. It helps ensure our costs stay in line, and that we deliver the products and timeliness you seek.
We couldn’t do those things without the Ops meeting. You won’t hear of many other family-based security companies putting this extra effort into holding a meeting when service and sales staff could be out on the road. We take this extra step because we believe in doing each job right. And because the Ops meeting makes a positive difference in our installation and service calls.
H&S Protection takes the extra step. That’s important to us and we hope it’s important to you. When you hire us for a job, we’ll fine-tooth-comb it in our Ops meeting. You might snooze through that meeting. We won’t. It’s important for us put ideas on the table and bat around solutions. That keeps us on our toes, and means we’re going to always deliver to our customers the best solution possible. We hope it also sets us apart from our competitors.
Give us a call or check us out on the H&S web site.