For eight years now, we’ve been publishing profiles of our employees so current and future customers can put a face to a name and get a sense of who we are — our professional backgrounds, community involvement and family/personal interests. We believe this sets us apart by helping you make a fully-formed decision on selecting a home or business security provider.
In putting together these profiles, we ask our team what they like about H&S, what makes them enjoy working for us. While the responses vary, we do hear overwhelmingly that they like it here because it’s a great place to work, everyone is helpful, and that we work together to get the job done right.
Those comments are great to hear because it says something about who we are, and, quite frankly, why we are in business. As a small business, we obviously must turn a profit to stay viable. At the same time, we have always felt it important to create a supportive environment for our people. That makes for good business. It also translates into how we serve our customers – the team support gravitates to customer support. By caring around the office, that care extends to our customers and the community.
If you get a few minutes, read through some of our past employee profiles. Get to know our people better. H&S is not perfect, but we work very hard to hire good people, train them properly, and give them everything needed to perform their jobs well. That’s our formula for long-term success.