We’re entering another cool frontier here at H&S Protection. We’ve said over the past few years that we’re “no longer your father’s alarm company.” Instead, we’ve added products and services sought by businesses and homeowners that provide convenience and cost savings to our customers.
Now we’ve added more “cool” features. Alarm.com, our partner on interactive and automation features, has helped us bring to the market the full spectrum of what many next generation customers want – a smarter home or business. That means multiple features you can manage through your smart phone.
Mike Horgan, our co-owner in Stevens Point, WI, recently had this system from Alarm.com installed at his home. He’s amazed at the convenience and cost savings. Here’s how he describes it:
“We installed the demo at our house so we can now remotely open and close the garage door or lock and unlock doors. It’s tied to your phone, so it’s very easy to use. Customers can control their lights or have a video doorbell installed. They’re all nice features to manage basic home automation. And it’s fun to play with!”
There are multiple conveniences provided by these new automated features. If you forget to lock the front door, you can check and lock it remotely. You can let contractors in if you’re not home. There’s an option to install video cameras, and you can use this make sure your kids get home on time, or whether they’re staying out too late. The system gives a thumbnail so you can see when the kids left or got home. “It’s a great parenting tool,” Mike observed.
The system has the potential to generate tremendous energy savings for customers over the long run. By automating the thermostat, you can set it to do such things as drop the temperature in your home or business after everyone has left (during the winter when you are heating) and you are a certain distance away, and then sense your return, and turn the heat back up as you get in close to home again.
Lights can be turned on and off remotely by the system. “You can almost pay for the system by the energy savings,” Mike explained.
“It’s cool to be able to check on your dog and cat and see whether the dog ate the cat yet,” he said, laughing. “It’s cool for parenting, energy savings, lighting. It’s just plain cool.”
The Alarm.com system is available to new and existing customers. It’s a total home or business automation package and “by the way, it’s an alarm system, too,” Mike added.
If you’re a current H&S customer, you can upgrade now. Contact us at our Pewaukee or Stevens Point office. We’ll be moving more heavily into the residential market with these new features. All from an easy-to-use app from Alarm.com.