There are a lot of antique and consignment stores throughout Wisconsin. They present very specific challenges to owners when it comes to protecting their merchandise.
As an owner, you may think putting in an alarm system protects you against break-ins. It does.

You may also believe cameras protect you against shoplifters and employee theft. They do.
But do you consider these systems in tandem (alarm and video)? Maybe, maybe not.
Due to the unique layouts and the types of wares displayed in antique and consignment stores, H&S Protection recommends you install a combination of both to best protect your premises and assets.
Here’s why: Antique and consignment stores typically house trinket-type items, and the stores themselves are often cramped and hard to navigate. This presents specific security issues.
As an owner or someone displaying wares on consignment, you want an eye kept in these nooks and crannies. That means an expert like H&S Protection is a good choice to hire to walk through the store and determine EXACTLY the best placement for security cameras.
Similarly, there could be a side window or door overlooked if you solely place cameras, and ensuring those spots are covered by an alarm system to detect illegal entry would also be necessary. Again, our experts at H&S ask questions, discuss your concerns and point out issues for your consideration.
It’s frequently a good idea to have alarm AND cameras systems in place for your antique or consignment store. Give H&S a call to set up a meeting to see how we can help with your full security needs. In the Stevens Point area, call 715.344.0727. In southeast Wisconsin, call 262.574.7777.