Easier Targets

Multiple studies over the years from law enforcement demonstrate that homes without security are more frequently targeted than a similar home next door. The posting of a sign warning a potential burglar of a home security system on the premises gets the bad guy thinking and slinking elsewhere.

Of course, the sign alone doesn’t get the job done. You  still need the system in place.

That’s where H&S Protection comes in. We sit down with you to go through your security concerns  to determine the most effective systems (and cost-effective) to put in place. It’s an easy process and we’ll ask questions to find out exactly what you want, using our years of experience to provide a solution.

That gives you comfort and peace of mind. When we plant our H&S Protection sign in your yard, you’ll know you’re not only  warning a potential burglar that the premises has a security system, you’re also getting the latest technology and a top-of-the line installation that will provide a quick response if someone has broken into  your home.

If you are looking for a home  OR business solution to your security needs, call us now. If you reside in central Wisconsin, call 715.344.0727. If you are located in southeast Wisconsin, call us at 262.574.7777.

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