Unless you’re doing an imitation of an ostrich with your head in the ground, you know there’s been a global supply chain challenge the past couple of years. H&S Protection has its share of difficulties keeping up with the availability of parts, and we’re changing how we do business to ensure our security installations occur on-time and within your budget.
Here are a few issues affecting our supply chain:
- Tariffs
- Availability of raw resources
- Resin shortage
- Disruptions in microchip supplies
- Transportation of materials
- Shortages of truck drivers
- Fewer manufacturers of card readers
What are we doing about this? The broad answer is that we are more focused on sourcing like crazy. Two years ago, we operated on a just-in-time basis for customer installations. Not any more.

Sometimes it can take three or more days to get the materials we need. We’re ordering earlier to address these shortages. We transfer materials from one installation to another when necessary . We’re improvising to keep the job pipeline flowing as evenly as possible.
It’s not easy. Our ordering and employees are challenged. But, we’re meeting the demands of this new world in which we live.

We have seen shortages on orders of anywhere from 8 to 24 weeks. We search every supplier possible across the country to fill those gaps. Our inventories can go askew, but we plan ahead, seek alternative sources, get creative in our solutions.
There is no current relief in sight. We may place an order, expecting it to come in eight weeks and we get it in three days, or vice versa. There’s a lot of catching up to do on the manufacturing side, and we recognize this by working it into our planning processes. Everyone is playing catch up.

We’re working for you. We’re adapting, applying new lessons, learning on a daily basis. We’ll keep after it to keep you safe and protected. And, we thank our customers for their patience and understanding as we adjust to this rapidly changing world.