Most retails stores that sell guns and ammunition have security – cameras AND alarm systems. Owners understand the value of that investment.
Last year, in our southeast Wisconsin service territory, we heard of two instances close together (in proximity and date) of break-ins and the theft of significant firearms. Despite security, the burglary still occurred.
While security systems – whether designed and installed by H&S Protection or another company – are not foolproof, they are deterrents AND they do help apprehend. In one of those two cases, video footage was used to quickly identify the criminal element.
So, yes, if you run a gun/ammunition storefront, you should have a security system in place. You should also make sure it is updated. These days, our video technology is enhanced from 3-4 year ago. You get higher resolution images with new cameras. Give us a call at either of our Wisconsin locations if you’d like one of our representatives to stop out and hear your concerns (Waukesha area – 262.574.7777; Stevens Point area – 715.344.0727). We’ll take a look and let you know what we think. If an upgrade or add-on makes sense, we’ll explain the details and why it would help you protect your site.
A year-and-a-half ago, we attended a gun and ammunition expo south of Milwaukee. We paid for a booth and met with many gun enthusiasts at the expo. Often when approached, their response was a smile and patting their hip, “I’ve got my protection right here.” We understand that perspective.
But it doesn’t help when you are away from the business. That’s why people hire H&S Protection. We’re your technology eyes and ears when you are away. You can’t “personally” protect your business 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. But we can. We appreciate the opportunity to give you that additional protection for your premises.