Thankfully, H&S doesn’t have to contact police departments on a daily basis. When we do, it means something is wrong, and we are alerting them to some form of criminal behavior.
Recently, we were able to help the Waukesha Police Department with an incident at one of our customers – in this case, a bank. A man had threatened to use explosives at the site.

The man passed a note to tellers saying he had a hand grenade in his pocket. Thankfully again, no one was injured. The police responded quickly to our alert and apprehended the individual soon thereafter.
H&S sent the alert and the bank also sent word to the police through a direct call. No grenade was found and dispatch officers stopped the man before any special units were dispatched; according to the Waukesha Police Department, which added that the officers arrested the man within 90 seconds of being dispatched.
We are pleased to be able to help police in situations like this. H&S is in the business of protection and this is one more example where quick, effective response to an alarm activation made a difference. Such responses happen because of the talent of our employees, the technology we employ and the training we provide to ensure systems are well-designed, well-installed and well-monitored with the best technology available.
Thankfully, this incident was averted with no injuries or property/financial loss. That’s what protection is about.