H&S Protection Works Full-Time for Adam Douglas

H&S Protection Works Full-Time for Adam Douglas

H&S Protection works full-time just right for Adam Douglas. After working for H&S as a subcontractor, it became clear where he wanted to be on a full-time basis, and as Captain Picard on Star Trek “The Next Generation” was fond of saying, “Make it so, Number One.” So, we did

His subcontract work for H&S went on for a couple of years before he joined our team in  Pewaukee full-time. Adam is a Technician, installing cameras, burglary systems and access control technology.

In his spare time he enjoys watching various sports and races. He also golfs frequently during the summer months in Wisconsin. His extended family includes his mother and grandmother who together raised him.

Adam recommends H&S Protection to others “because we are a hard-working company that ensures our customers are taken care of and happy that our products function properly. And, we address any service issues as quickly as possible if something isn’t working out the way the customer expected.”

Please reach out to Adam at adouglas@hsprotection.net, or 262.574.7777.