Video analytics are here. With our app, we now give our customers even better recognition of a potential threat facing their homes or businesses.
Seriously, it won’t identify a spaceship, but it will identify most other things. As one of our H&S offerings, the app identifies the moving object coming or going into the area of a video camera. And with that identification, you receive a notification, a “ding” on your phone to alert you.
One of our customers, for example, uses the system at his lake house. He has been able to identify an individual walking the shoreline at his dock. The app can tell whether it is a vehicle a person or an animal.
Why does that matter? It helps you use the data to know whether the movement is a threat. It helps you with quick identification.
Clips of your email notifications are stored in the cloud. They can be viewed later and even help authorities identify perpetrators of crimes.
Don’t forget you can always pull up the live view on your smart phone, tablet and computer. The same customer was waiting for a service individual to show up when he was not available to be there to let the technician in the house. He used the app to see when the service individual got to the house and was able to make sure work got done. In this way, the app can be used as a management tool and gives customers peace of mind.
“You can use the app to play thumbnail clips that can be exported. It’s a great tool. We recommend it to homeowners, and it is also very useful at construction sites and other businesses. You do need Wi-Fi to utilize it effectively. It can be set up to give email or text notifications. We program the system the most convenient way that the customer requests,” H&S co-owner Steve Garritson said.
You won’t identify a spaceship with the app. But you will have a new tool with enhanced data analytics to help you protect your premises. Give us a call in Stevens Point at 715.344.0727 or Pewaukee at 262.574.7777 for more information.