Having worked in loss prevention in the retail arena for six years, when Aaron Akey joined H&S Protection he was able to continue down the path of helping to protect customers’ assets. Before joining H&S, Aaron’s job focused on catching shoplifters, investigating fraud and safety issues.

He found out about H&S on an Indeed job posting. After his retail position, “I was curious how the physical side of security and alarms worked,” he said. At H&S, Aaron serves as an Installation Technician, installing and servicing camera and alarm systems in businesses and residential homes.

Aaron’s fiancé is Cailey, and the two have plans to be married in October 2024. They have a six-year-old daughter, Abby.
In his spare time, “I like spending time with friends and family. I enjoy movies, video games and watching football,” he said.

“H&S is a good place to work. You learn a lot and work with good people,” Aaron observed.
“My favorite thing about H&S is the flexibility and understanding when family stuff comes up and that everyone has a life outside of work. I also really like having holidays off to spend with friends and family. I haven’t been able to enjoy that for a long time,” he said.
You may reach Aaron at aakey@hsprotection.net or by calling 262.574.7777.