There’s golf, and there’s more golf. Actually, we’ve written about security coverage in the past for golf maintenance shops and the course itself. But, we didn’t touch base on the golf pro shop. We figured we should drop a few tips for that area as well.
The pro shop at most golf courses includes a number of areas that should be protected, like the cash register, apparel, the dining area and golf equipment. With our experience, H&S knows the best types of coverage for these items/areas.

Golf pro shops should consider shoplifting potential when looking at a security system. And like other businesses, they may want to consider using cameras to track customer and employee activity.
No one ever enjoys having to confront internal theft, but the reality is that there are times employees take advantage of their positions in terms of doing favors for customers or offering too many freebies that affect your bottom line. You want to assume the best about your people, and we certainly agree with that perspective.
But if something isn’t quite adding up over a period of time in terms of your income or receipts, it may be time to give H&S a call and we can work with you to install a system that allows you to monitor areas of concern.
We have expertise in these areas and can confidently give you advice and options to best answer your questions and provide the coverage you need. If you’d like to meet with a member of our team, give us a call in central Wisconsin at 715.344.0727, or in southeast Wisconsin at 262.574.7777. FORE!