For anyone seeking a security company to hire, you probably don’t think about the driving records of the individuals working at that company. You might look up reviews of the business on Google or talk to friends and closely examine the web site to make your decision on who you hire to service your home or business.
All those are valid and good ways to go about choosing a security company you can trust. Here at H&S Protection, one additional factor that we bring to the table for you is safe driving. Newly hired technicians must demonstrate a safe driving record before we make a hire at H&S.

That may not seem like a big deal or a differentiator for a potential customer. But, we believe it’s one more extra step that we take to ensure our team operates in ways that protect others and themselves. That benefits you on the job site, and also contributes to better driving in your community, which is a plus for everyone.
Our safe driving is important to you and your family. Obeying red lights and stop signs, staying within the speed limit and not taking undue driving risks are all ways that our safety standards affect the communities we serve in a positive way.
We believe it is important to make a good impact through how we operate our business. That’s not always a tangible outcome that people can “see.” We believe it is important for our potential and current customers to know that we take extra steps – like reinforcing safe driving – to make their community safer, not just from theft, but also from a pedestrian and car safety standpoint.