Lance Schreiber joined H&S Protection about a year-and-a-half ago. H&S drew him back to his security roots. He made the plunge into the security sector, along with access and fire, in 2007 and has been loving it ever since.
“I wanted to be part of a family company that cares about the employees and the customers equally. Mike Horgan presented just that. I love the atmosphere and my coworkers and everyone’s drive to work together to accomplish the end goals and meet customers’ needs,” Lance said.

At H&S, Lance primarily works in installs and service, and he branches out to help with sales work when the opportunity or time presents itself. He also helps the sales staff with designing systems to “make sure we are giving the customers what they need and want in the most efficient way.”
Lance started out in the low voltage industry back in 1999 as a data communications technician doing network and fiber infrastructure. After that, he moved into phone systems and paging/sound systems.

Outside of work, Lance enjoys many hobbies. He is an avid hunter and fisherman, and enjoys shooting sport and kayaking. Lance spends as much time outside as he can with family and friends.
He is also cofounder and director of the Wisconsin River Rollers –
a local log rolling team. (“Yep,” he said, “log rolling as in Lumberjack stuff.”).

“I got my two kids into it about five years ago, and three years ago decided to start a competition team and off we went. This year I’m proud to say the team brought home two world titles at the Lumberjack World Championships in Hayward WI. So, I don’t have a lot of free time but I get to spend lots of time with my wife Megan, daughter Haley and son Jayce,” Lance said.
You can reach Lance at, or 715.344.0727.

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