A special message from H&S Protection Co-Owners Steve Garritson and Mike Horgan:
The current chaotic climate with the coronavirus worries all business owners, including us here at H&S Protection. What you SHOULDN’T worry about is whether our security systems are protecting your premises. Our technology and service commitment to you will never waver during this extended disruption to our routines. We will be there for you.
That’s why homes and businesses put in security systems, whether access control, cameras or an alarm system – to protect the premises while they are away (and even when you are there). If your business has had to close due to the coronavirus, our system continues to give you a peace-of-mind solution so you know what is going on when you’re not there. We offer the ability for you to monitor through your smart phone. Our monitoring service can cover you for your fire or burglar alarm.
Though we too are constrained in the current working environment, our doors aren’t closed. We remain available to take your calls, especially in emergencies. We recognize these are uncertain times and some businesses may not want anyone from the outside into their facility, home or building. We will work with you to address any operational issues in these situations over the phone or remotely, as necessary, or by developing a schedule that gives you the protection you seek for your team as our technicians work to resolve any issues.
We also would like to assure all our customers that we are taking all the recommended precautions by our state and federal officials: keeping a proper distance; regular hand washing; mandating employees stay home if any symptoms of the virus emerge; self-isolating if they know they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive; cleaning the surfaces regularly both at our two offices and when we are onsite for a job.
During this cautious period we’ve entered, we pledge to remain available to address any of your concerns. We have our sales staff taking new training to be better prepared to serve you in the months ahead. We have staff working from home to ensure social distance. We have webinars set up for our employees to learn more about the products and services we offer you. All of these help us better serve you.
We will not waiver in our customer support. We will help remotely, as necessary, work onsite. We WILL continue to provide you the service you’ve come to regularly expect from H&S Protection.