Month: October 2017

  • H&S Protection Helping with Financial Literacy

    For many years, H&S Protection’s Stevens Point, WI office has participated in the United Way. Since our merger in 2007, our Pewaukee, WI joined the annual giving program. The three pillars of United Way – education, health and financial stability for those in need – resonate with H&S owners Steve Garritson and Mike Horgan. This…

  • “Find a Problem and Solve it” — that’s H&S’s Jeff Lukasavige

    Jeff Lukasavige likes finding problems. Then he enjoys solving them.  That puts him in a great situation with H&S Protection as Operations Manager out of our Stevens Point, WI office.  “I keep the trains running on time, hopefully,” he chuckled. Though Jeff has only been with H&S two years, he has a strong work background…

  • Saved by an H&S System

    We keep a bulletin board posted with notes when one of our customers deters a crime with their H&S system, or our system helps alert law enforcement to illegal activity. Over the past year or so, a lot of post-it notes have gone up on that bulletin board. The board is there to remind us…