We want to give our customers a special thank you for sticking with us in 2020. It hasn’t been easy for us, and we’re sure you have had many obstacles to overcome as well in your businesses and on the personal front. The fact that you trusted us with your homes and businesses, allowed our sales and service personnel to perform their functions successfully, says a lot to us about the trust you have in H&S Protection. Thank you.
There was no way to prepare for 2020. We’re sure you had to adjust and adapt, as did we. On an almost weekly basis we had to stay informed and be willing to change to ensure we protected you and our employees. As a small business in Wisconsin, that is an advantage we provide our customers – the nimble ability to respond and change quickly.

Whatever 2021 brings, we’ve learned that we can step up to get the job done safely. When you face challenges like the Covid virus, you come to understand more about people and processes. We learned to apply the virus protocols quickly. That gives us confidence moving forward to serve you even better. Our H&S team made this happen, and their daily commitment is to provide you safe and quality service.
Our deepest thanks to you for maintaining confidence in H&S Protection. We never take that for granted, and are proud that we were able to demonstrate in a tremendously difficult 2020 environment that we earned your business the right way. We hope you have a safe and happy holiday season with your families and loved ones, and we look forward to working with you in the new year.
Mike Horgan and Steve Garritson
H&S Protection Co-Owners