What would you do if someone kept tossing newspapers over your fence into your yard in the middle of the night? What if it was dead mice his cat killed that he kept launching into your yard? Would you confront him? Would you get angry? Would you ignore the incidents and jam the debris in the recycling or garbage containers, humming a tune to yourself to contain your irritation?
Hard to say. We probably all respond differently to situations like that.

One way to deal with another individual dumping into your space is to have security cameras installed. Voila! You have images to look at. You can determine exactly who the perpetrator was.
That doesn’t completely solve your problem, because then you must decide what to do next. But, at least you have proof. You can point to the video. “Here, is this you or not?,” you can say to the individual denying culpability.
Capturing the incidents on video leads to resolution. That’s what we provide at H&S Protection. We put the tools in your hands to solve problems (or irritants) like this.
We hope no one is throwing dead raccoons or skunks into your backyard. But we’ve certainly heard of random garbage tossers who repeatedly target the same location. If you want to catch them on video, we can help. Give as a call in Stevens Point at 715.344.0727, or in Waukesha at 262.6-574.7777.