Danny Greco knows the best job for him is when he works with both his mind and his hands – combining the physical part of a position with the mental challenges. At H&S Protection, he’s found that perfect fit.
He’d been working for another security company for five years when his brother introduced him to H&S ownership at the time, which led to an interview, then to his being hired. As a technician at the time, he brought those skills over to H&S, and has refined them into his current position as a Systems Designer/Inside Sales.
In the sales arena, he focuses on existing customers where he’s worked on past installations. Access control and large camera system installations are his forte, his way of “keeping customers happy.”
Danny typically designs larger-scale systems for H&S’s Waukesha, WI office, and also “brings in a few new customers each year. I like to eliminate the word ‘should’ from interactions with customers. We need to provide customers the certainty of knowing exactly what we are and aren’t capable of in terms of our installation abilities,” he said.
Greco found school wasn’t the way he wanted to advance when he moved into the workforce. “Maybe that’s how I got to where I am today,” he laughed. “I don’t like to sit still. I like to work with my mind and hands, and being a technician is a good fit.”
He finds that communication between H&S staff is a strong reason to recommend H&S to clients. “We don’t have a large staff. But we do more based on our communication than you’ll see in any corporation. Our staff trusts each other tremendously. They’re great people to work with day-in and day-out. We help each other personally,” he said.
Danny enjoys the freedom of his position, not having to be managed. “Steve (Garritson, H&S Co-Owner) gives me freedom to do my job. He knows and trusts what we can do,” Greco observed.
In turn, Danny trusts his teammates. “When I sell a job, I hand it over to operations. I rely on them to line it up to our standards. They do a tremendous job,” he said.
When the day or week is done, Danny likes to follow his love of sports. He enjoys tossing bags in a local league, spending time with his girlfriend Kelsey and his family. He is also seeking exempt status on the Bad Golf Tour.
Danny can be reached directly at dgreco@hsprotection.net or 262.894.2461.