It’s a bit odd wondering how people “see” security. Do criminals case homes and businesses? Television shows and movies would like to have us think so, and studies done by police have reported that a protected home tends to be bypassed by burglars in favor of a more vulnerable home (lights not on, no security sign in the yard, tall bushes where someone breaking in could hide).
Conversely, here at H&S, we’ve found that security cameras provide a visual assurance to our customers. They like being able to “see” the cameras and know their premises are protected, capturing activity that can be played back on their phones or computer screens.

The tangible feeling of security drives many customers to seek a camera solution. People gravitate to visualizing. Cameras provide liability protection.
They are also important for general surveillance. You never know when something might occur near your home or business, and you can help law enforcement keep your neighborhood safer by providing them with clips of suspicious activity.
Liability protection is a BIG issue for business. False workmen’s compensation claims, for example, can be addressed through video clips. The bigger your business, the greater the possibility you could face that risk.
We’ve found in discussions with customers that they often sell themselves on our cameras. They SEE the clarity and coverage, and while no one wants to face a compensation claim, if it does happen, you’ll be glad you have cameras strategically in place.
Give us a call to check on H&S’s camera capabilities in central Wisconsin at 715.344.0727 or southeast Wisconsin at 262.574.7777.