We’ve been a longstanding member of the Wisconsin Security Association (WISA), so long, in fact, that it’s undergone a number of name changes since we joined the association. H&S Protection participates in many WISA activities, and over the years we’ve won multiple awards and had members of our team serve the association.
This past month, WISA held its annual golf outing. It’s an opportunity for us to network with other members of the security industry in Wisconsin, perhaps picking up a sales tip or learning about a new technology offered by a vendor. Beyond the business networking opportunities, several members of our staff also take to the links to relax, meet with colleagues in other companies and share knowledge.

All of these activities help keep us abreast of not only the security industry at large, but what is happening in Wisconsin. What are the trends? Where are new businesses locating? What direction are sales trending?
After of day of shooting some bad golf and sharing stories and tips, we head back to the routine, a bit refreshed, and with an enhanced perspective on our business. We believe that’s a good thing because we’re keeping abreast of trends and looking at what comes next for our customers.

H&S is committed to WISA and their efforts, and to the security industry in general. That commitment translates into better quality service for customers. When looking for a security company in Wisconsin, look for one that participates actively in WISA. You’ll know you’re getting that extra effort to higher standards.