Over the years, we’ve been a proud member of the Wisconsin Security Association (WISA). There are many reasons for this. Because our industry is made of many small businesses such as ours, it’s important to set high standards to follow and ensure consistency. WISA passes down that type of information to its membership and helps us improve over the long run.
For example, classes to certify our technicians in the next best available practices are held annually. We regularly send out technicians to these sessions. We want to ensure the work we provide our customers is the best possible, and our people are up-to-date and properly trained in these procedures. That benefits H&S customers in every installation. Mistakes are minimized. Overall quality improves.
We actively participate in our WISA membership, going to meetings, making submissions to their annual awards program and volunteering in leadership positions. What does that mean to our customers? Again, it demonstrates our commitment to the association which lets you know that we care. It’s important for us to not only do business the right way, but also to help influence best business practices in the state of Wisconsin. That’s our commitment to you.
Sometimes it’s just about fun. We all need to take a breather now and then. We’ll send a team to the WISA annual golf tournament, for example. Yes, we play bad golf. But the day is also about camaraderie and friendship, and over the years at the annual WISA golf tournament, we’ve learned lessons to help better serve you. Sometimes the newest idea comes during a conversation on the golf course or afterwards in the clubhouse catching up with a colleague.
Our WISA membership means a lot to us. It should mean a lot to you as well. We’re better because of it.