When John Jastroch joined H&S Protection, he had no idea he’d be exploring so many new places. Joining H&S after stints doing car detailing, Jastroch took a tip from fellow H&S employee Dave Kwasinski and decided to interview with the company.
“Our wives are good friends and Dave mentioned the opportunities here, so I decided to give it a shot. H&S was looking for technicians, and even though I’d never done anything like that, I thought I’d apply and see how it works. It’s turned out great,” Jastroch observed.
He likes the changing scenery, going into different businesses. “It’s always something different. I get to see different places. Bars are always interesting – seeing who’s in there first thing in the morning,” he laughed.
As a technician and installer, John starts each morning checking into what his job will be for that day. He goes over the parts necessary for the install and then does a walk-through of the facility. He formulates his game plan, then tackles the project. “Anything can change at any time,” he said.
With the current Covid shutdown, John said he’s not doing as much in his spare time as he used to. A big Milwaukee Brewers and Chinnooks (Northwoods team based in Mequon, WI) baseball fan, John hasn’t been able to get to any games this year because of the shutdown.
He collects bobbleheads, and is known fondly around the office by the nickname “Bobble John.” He is married to his wife Heather, and they have two children, a girl (Riley) and a boy (Jacob).
John likes the laid-back atmosphere at H&S and said that helps him do a better job with customers. “Sometimes you don’t feel like it’s a job. We have awesome office personnel and it makes everything feel comfortable. That’s good for our customers because we have good relationships with each other and it helps us do our jobs better,” he explained.
You can reach John directly at 262.313.7115, or through email at jjastroch@hsprotection.net.