Don’t you love it when you find a simple fix to something you thought was going to require a complicated solution? We do.
When we provide security solutions to businesses or homes, many are very straight forward. But, we also receive our share of curveballs when it comes to requests or obstacles.

For example, if you have a Roomba (robot vacuum cleaner), you probably love the convenience. What you may not have considered when you purchased it is whether it would set off your motion sensor. That’s something we think about at H&S Protection.
We make sure your Roomba works effectively AND our alarm system works in tandem with it, so alarms don’t go off from the little guy’s motion. That requires some well-learned experience from our sales and installation team to make sure you are covered, and that you still get clean carpets.
Similar to the adjustments made for pets, the vision field for your motion sensor can be raised so that a potential intruder will still be detected, but at the lower height, Roomba gets to do its job unnoticed.
Yes, simple. That’s the experience we bring to help put in place effective and intelligent solutions that work for each specific location. Our team knows each customer has unique circumstances and we take the time to discuss them with you and craft the best installation.
Give us a call in Stevens Point at 715.344.0727, or in Pewaukee at 262.574.7777, and we’ll be glad to keep your Roomba puttering effectively along the carpet while your motion sensor continues to do its job.