Everyone wants to get a good deal when they make a purchase. You look at options, compare prices, service, products, and if all things are equal, you go with the lower price. All things are not created equal though.
This came home to us recently. We worked closely with a customer on a fairly involved security project. We outlined what we could do, along with the technology we’d deploy. It was not a simple system we planned to install and we chose equipment that we knew was high quality and got the job done right.
We lost the bid. The customer went with a significantly lower-priced security provider, thinking he would get a great deal. He found out that wasn’t the case.
After installation began, we received a call from the prospective client. He was unhappy. The security company he’d hired was not doing the job he wanted. The installation and equipment weren’t up to snuff. He wanted to bring us in to clean up the mess.
We’re back working with this customer, doing our best to get the project online and to his specifications. We’re not saying H&S Protection is the best company you’re ever going to find in the security business. What we hope you take from this story is to research the security company you hire. Ask around. See what they’ve done for other clients. Less expensive is seldom the BEST choice. There are many variables to consider when choosing a security company for your business or home.
H&S works extremely hard at listening and helping you figure out what the best options are to protect your assets, employees, family, home or business. Give us a call.